Event Registration

Event Specialist

Events are increasingly becoming the favorite conversion path for most marketers. It gives marketing reps chance to have a firsthand interaction with prospects and clear out any doubts in the initial stage itself. The major industry roadblock in a event strategy is to get the expected number of attendees to show up.

If your events are depicting a similar turnout, you can opt for our Event Registration service which ensures the maximum register-to-attend conversion. Our marketers work as an extended team and identify and reach prospects, informing them about the scheduled event. Additionally we make sure to give timely follow-ups and reminders about the same to ensure the maximum attendance to your events.

The major industry roadblock in a event strategy is to get the expected number of attendees to show up. If your events are depicting a low turnout, you can opt for our Event Registration service which ensures the maximum register-to-attend conversion. Our marketers work as an extended team to identify and reach prospects, informing them about the scheduled event. Additionally we make sure to provide timely follow-ups and reminders about the same to ensure the maximum attendance to your events whether live or onDemand.